Editor’s picks
Based on a work by Sir Joshua Reynolds in the Cincinnati Art Museum, Portrait of Miss Ridge, bust-length has a rare spark of life about it, the sitter’s gaze meeting that of the viewer with an engaging directness. The original remained with the artist’s family until 1859, so this version may have been painted by one of his descendants
Estimate: $20,000-30,000
5 February, New York
This partial script for The Godfather, dating from 1971, is an offer you can’t refuse if you’re a serious film buff. Included in its 66 pages are a number of handwritten edits and comments by Marlon Brando, whose portrayal of mafia boss Don Corleone helped make Francis Ford Coppola’s mob movie an era-defining phenomenon
Estimate: $20,000-30,000
14-28 January, Online
Eugene Von Bruenchenhein’s 1958 painting Emansemano (No. 735) is typical of his complex, colourful and explosive style. The dizzying amount of detail in the work is all the more surprising given that the self-taught artist would work at his kitchen table in Milwaukee, using sticks, combs, chicken bones and even his fingers to apply the paint
Estimate: $12,000-18,000
22 January, New York
It may be more than 2,300 years old, but this Apulian red-figured fish plate makes as vivid an impression today as when it first came out of the kiln. A striped bream, an octopus, a shrimp and a mussel are among the sea creatures depicted, with a wave motif on the rim emphasising the marine theme
Estimate: $15,000-20,000
4 February, New York