Use coupon code "DEALNEWSGLOW" to cut an extra 50% off these earrings. It drops the 2-tcw. earrings to $699.50, and the 3-tcw. earrings to $999.50. That's a savings of $2,100 and $3,000 respectively.MORE
LEGO Flowers at Amazon From $13 + free shipping w/ Prime
You can get a head start on a Valentine's Day bouquet with a difference with these LEGO flowers. Lots of them are discounted by around 20%.MORE
Woot Bargain Bin T-Shirts for $13 + free shipping w/ Prime
Lots of Woot's weird and wonderful T-shirt designs are discounted to $13 in this Bargain Bin. You can also buy sweatshirts, hoodies, and other styles at a reduced price.MORE
Grow a Boyfriend for $5 + free shipping w/ Prime
January is long and cold and Blue Monday approaches. If you don't have a partner to cling to to get through it, this $5 replacement could be a cost-effective crutch.MORE
Fragrances at Woot: Up to 68% off + free shipping w/ Prime
Discounted brands include Coach, Armani, and Gucci. We've pictured the Armani Code Parfum 2.5-oz. Bottle for $91.99 (low by $38).MORE, Inc. | 501 Madison Street SE | Huntsville, AL 35801
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