Antique Arms & History at Landshuter Rüstkammer, Germany

Landshuter Rüstkammer, Germany presents the Annual Auction - Antique Arms & History on March 28th & 29th.
The sale includes about 1400 lots of fine and rare antique European and Eastern arms and armor, medals and militaria.
For collectors of antique edged weapons, there is a large selection of daggers, early swords, rare rapiers and fine smallswords of all kinds, dating from around 900 to around 1750, in addition to numerous European closed helmets, shields, two suits of armor and other pieces of armor, hunting swords, early crossbows, several wheellock pistols and rifles. In addition to Western European edged weapons and firearms and armor, Japanese and oriental weapons and armor are also on offer.
Highlights include an original and very rare Pavese circa 1470 from Klausen Südtirol, a very rare and important iron hat, Landshut/Germany around 1480, a fine silver decorated rapier German or Italian circa 1600 and an excellent Japanese suit of armour Edo-period.
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