“Mix & Match. Rediscovering the Collection” in the Pinkakothek der Moderne, Munich

In celebration of its 20th anniversary, the Pinkakothek der Moderne in Munich, Germany, presents “MIX & MATCH, Rediscovering the Collection” from September 2022 to December 31, 2025. This innovative exhibition showcases 350 works by over 150 artists across 3,600 square meters, encouraging an interdisciplinary and timeless dialogue and inviting fresh interpretations of 120 years of visual culture. Since its inauguration in 2002, the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich has grown into one of Europe’s largest hubs for modern and contemporary art, uniting painting, sculpture, photography, design, and architecture under one roof. Over the years, the museum has expanded its collection to reflect both European traditions and the globalization of art.
 LEFT: Andy Warhol (USA 1928 - 1987), Self-Portrait, 1967, Silkscreen, synthetic resin on canvas, 191.1 x 190.8 cm. Inv. No. 14254, Acquired in 1972 from the Antique Company of New York (from the Nelson Rockefeller Collection). Bavarian State Painting Collections - Modern Art Collection in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, © 2022 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York; RIGHT: Sigmar Polke, (POL 1941 - DE 2010), Konstruktivistisch,1968, Dispersion on nettle, 155.1 x 129.6 cm. Inv. No. WAF 39, Since 1984 Wittelsbach Compensation Fund, Collection of Prince Franz of Bavaria Bavarian State Painting Collections - Modern Art Collection in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich © The Estate of Sigmar Polke, Cologne / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022
A Modern and Relevant Approach
The MIX & MATCH exhibition was designed to engage with the pressing issues of the 21st century, including social cohesion, migration movements, and sustainability. Organized into themed rooms, the show creates a unique experience by bringing together works that, although created in different periods and styles, explore timeless questions. The selection of works seeks to transcend the traditional Eurocentric and North American perspective, highlighting the richness of cultural and artistic diversity.
Among the first pieces exhibited is the iconic painting “Mädchen unter Bäumen” (Girls under Trees) by August Macke, painted in 1914. The piece captures the lightness and optimism of a summer day in the park, using the vibrant colors characteristic of Macke’s expressionist style. This work is placed in dialogue with a video installation by contemporary artist David Claerbout, who uses a black-and-white photograph of a 1930s Italian kindergarten as a source. This combination of works creates a temporal contrast, offering viewers an experience layered with time and emotion.
Another highlight is the work of renowned artist Georg Baselitz, known for his paintings of upside-down figures. This disruptive style challenges audiences to rethink visual norms and question their perceptions. Baselitz explores themes like identity and memory, creating compositions that resist conventional interpretation and invite the viewer into a more visceral experience.
 LEFT: August Macke, Girls under Trees, 1914, Oil on canvas, 1 19,5 x 159 cm, Inv. no. 13466 Acquired in 1964 as a donation from Sofie and Emanuel Fohn Bayerische, Staatsgemäldesammlungen - Sammlung Moderne Kunst in the Pinakothek der Moderne Munich; RIGHT: David Claerbout (BEL 1969), Kindergarten Antonio Sant' Elia, 1-channel video, black and white, silent, 10 min., loop, Inv. No. GV 207. Acquired in 2010 by PIN. Friends of the Pinakothek der Moderne e.V. Bavarian State Painting Collections - Modern Art Collection in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022
August Macke: Everyday Life in Expressionism
August Macke (1887-1914) was an essential figure in German Expressionism and one of the leading members of the group “Der Blaue Reiter” (The Blue Rider), alongside artists like Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc. His work is characterized by a vibrant color palette and a lyrical, optimistic approach to everyday life. Macke sought to capture moments of beauty in common scenes, such as people strolling in gardens and markets, using colors and shapes that expressed his idealized vision of the world.
Although his career was cut short by World War I, Macke left a lasting legacy that profoundly influenced Expressionism and modern art. His works in MIX & MATCH showcase his unique style, combining emotion, color, and simplicity in representations that continue to captivate audiences.
 LEFT: Georg Baselitz (de 1938), Zwerg, 1962, Oil on canvas, 136 x 101 cm. Inv. No. WAF I. Acquired in 1984 from the Wittelsbach Compensation Fund, Collection of Prince Franz of Bavaria, Bavarian State Painting Collections - Modern Art Collection in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich. © Georg Baselitz; RIGHT: Oskar Schlemmer (DE 1888 - 1943),Dancer (The Gesture), 1922, Oil and tempera on canvas, x 130 cm, nv. No. 13421. Acquired in 1964 as a purchase from Tut Schlemmer, Bavarian State Painting Collections - Modern Art Collection in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich
Georg Baselitz: Subverting the Traditional Gaze
Georg Baselitz, born in 1938 in East Germany, is known for challenging conventions and exploring the fragmentation and disassembly of forms. Considered one of Germany’s most important contemporary artists, Baselitz developed his signature style by painting figures upside down, a technique he uses to delve into the complexities of perception and artistic interpretation.
Baselitz critiques the established order and proposes a new way of seeing, encouraging audiences to reconsider their perceptions of beauty, the grotesque, and the everyday. His works in MIX & MATCH exemplify this bold approach, allowing visitors to experience the intense emotions and philosophical depth that Baselitz brings to each canvas.
 LEFT: Wassily Kandinsky (RUS 1866 - FRA 1944), Dreamy Improvisation, 1913, Oil on canvas, 130.5 x130.5 cm, Inv. No. 14091, Acquired in 1969 as a purchase from the heirs of the Erwin Bienert Collection, Munich (formerly L.1.201). Acquired with the support of PIN. Friends of the Pinakothek der Moderne e.V. Bavarian State Painting Collections - Modern Art Collection in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich; RIGHT: Mark Manders (NLD 1968), Silent Factory, 2000, Wood, iron, mixed media, 250 x 387 x 276 cm. Inv. No. GV 141, Acquired in 2003 by PIN. Friends of the Pinakothek der Moderne e.V. Bavarian State Painting Collections - Modern Art Collection in the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, Photo: Sibylle Forster, Bavarian State Painting Collections, © Mark Manders 2022
An Invitation to Rediscovery
MIX & MATCH is not a static exhibition: paper and textile works are periodically replaced to preserve their integrity and allow additional pieces from the vast collection to be displayed. This rotation creates a dynamic experience, inviting visitors to return and discover new dialogues between works from different eras and cultures. In this way, the Pinakothek der Moderne establishes a space that transcends time and genre, offering a unique and enriching experience for all art lovers.
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