Titian, Lotto, Crivelli, and Guercino: Masterpieces from the Pinacoteca of Ancona at the Capitoline Museums
From November 26, 2024, to March 30, 2025, the Capitoline Museums in Rome, Italy, will host an exhibition celebrating six masterpieces from the Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti in Ancona. Among these is the renowned Pala Gozzi by Titian, accompanied by works by Olivuccio di Ciccarello, Carlo Crivelli, Lorenzo Lotto, and Guercino. The exhibition, organized on the occasion of the 2025 Jubilee, will take place in the prestigious halls of the Palazzo dei Conservatori, offering visitors a unique opportunity to explore the artistic wealth of Ancona and the contribution of these great masters to the history of Italian art.
LEFT: Lorenzo Lotto, The Virgin and Child with Saints (Alabarda Altarpiece), 1538, Oil on canvas, 295 x 210 x 5 cm, Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti; RIGHT: Barbieri Giovan Francesco – Guercino, Immaculate Conception, 1656, Oil on canvas, 259 x 180 cm Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti
A Journey Through the Renaissance and Baroque
This exceptional exhibition showcases six sacred works, all with religious themes, highlighting the significance of the city of Ancona as a cultural and artistic crossroads between the 15th and 17th centuries. The exhibition includes:
- The Circumcision of the Christ Child by Olivuccio di Ciccarello, a masterpiece of the International Gothic style.
- The Madonna and Child by Carlo Crivelli, a precious artistic gem from the late 15th century.
- The Alabarda Altarpiece by Lorenzo Lotto, an example of the Venetian painter's narrative mastery.
- The Crucifixion by Titian, a work of extraordinary emotional intensity.
- The Immaculate Conception by Guercino, a piece that combines devotion with refined composition.
LEFT: Olivuccio da Ciccarello, Circumcision of the Christ Child, late 14th–15th century, Tempera on poplar panel, 180 x 82.5 x 4 cm, Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti; RIGHT: Titian Vecellio, Crucifixion, c. 1556, Oil on canvas, 375 x 200 cm, Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica "Francesco Podesti"
The Pala Gozzi: A Masterpiece by Titian
The Pala Gozzi, created in 1520 for the Church of San Francesco ad Alto in Ancona, is a work of great historical and artistic significance. Considered Titian's first altarpiece, it marks the artist's transition to large-scale painting, featuring a composition that masterfully blends realism and symbolism. The painting depicts the Madonna in glory with the Christ Child, flanked by Saints Francis and Blaise, and with the donor, Luigi Gozzi, kneeling in devotion. In the background, the profile of Venice rises as a tribute to the artist's birthplace and the cultural connection between the Adriatic's two shores.
LEFT: Titian Vecellio, The Virgin and Child with Saint Francis, Saint Blaise, and the Donor (Pala Gozzi), 1520, Mixed media on panel, 322 x 215 cm, Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti; RIGHT: Carlo Crivelli, Madonna and Child, c. 1480, Tempera on panel, 21 x 15.5 cm, Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti
The Dialogue Between Art and History
The works on display reveal the profound interplay between the diverse artistic movements that shaped Ancona and the Marche region, a cultural hub that welcomed renowned artists such as Titian, Crivelli, and Lotto. These paintings stand as enduring testaments to the significance of sacred commissions in the creation of Italy's artistic heritage and their enduring influence across centuries.
LEFT: Installation View: Capitoline Museums; Titian, Lotto, Crivelli, and Guercino: Masterpieces from the Pinacoteca of Ancona; RIGHT: Installation View: Capitoline Museums; Titian, Lotto, Crivelli, and Guercino: Masterpieces from the Pinacoteca of Ancona
The exhibition “Titian, Lotto, Crivelli, and Guercino: Masterpieces from the Pinacoteca of Ancona” is the result of a collaboration between Roma Capitale, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali, Pinacoteca Civica di Ancona, Regione Marche, and Palazzo Ducale di Urbino, with organizational support from Arthemisia. Curated by Luigi Gallo and Ilaria Miarelli Mariani, the exhibition marks the beginning of a project to enhance the artistic heritage of the Marche region, culminating in the reinstallation of the Pinacoteca Civica Podesti. This event offers a opportunity to explore the dialogue between the Renaissance and Baroque periods through works of extraordinary beauty, celebrating Ancona's central role as a cultural bridge between East and West and connecting its rich history with the present.
LEFT: Installation View: Capitoline Museums; Titian, Lotto, Crivelli, and Guercino: Masterpieces from the Pinacoteca of Ancona; RIGHT: Installation View: Capitoline Museums; Titian, Lotto, Crivelli, and Guercino: Masterpieces from the Pinacoteca of Ancona
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