One thing I know is that you all do not own enough underwear.
Or at least, you didn’t used to own enough. 8,000 pairs of boxer briefs later, maybe you’ve got enough to last till laundry day.
This Meh deal almost didn’t happen, though. It’s not that it’s not a great price - it obviously is - it’s that it can be hard to sell quality things at the price of cheap things. You can find boxer briefs at this price out there. They’re just crappy, thin and uncomfortable. These are not that, but in the world of hype and buzz, how do we explain that? The answer, thankfully, is that we don’t.
You all did the work, figured out that these are a good deal, and bought them. I’d like to think that part of that is the trust we’ve earned over years of bluntness and transparency, but it helps that people can see how many 6-packs you’ve bought, they can jump in the forum to see if people are verifying it’s a good deal, or they can just watch people force our AI to create increasingly bizarre boxer images.
So if you buy these, thank the community, and if you’re a member, feel free to add to today's boxer chaos.
—Dave (and the rest of Meh)