They grow up so fast...
While he is usually regarded as the technological master of the magic world, the one thing Joao Miranda should really be associated with is quality.
His latest production with Victor Sanz is a perfect example of a low-tech effect done exactly right. This is Fast Forward.
A spectator names any number one to ten. These correspond with a list of ten celebrities. Say your spectator chooses number 3, then they've picked Tom Cruise. You let them know, you knew they would choose Maverick himself, and, to prove it, you put one picture inside an envelope. You open up the envelope to reveal one picture: a baby! You explain that this is a picture of Tom Cruise when he was 1 year old. But then, you turn the picture around to reveal a fast-forward button. The spectator presses it, and when you flip the picture back around, the picture is now of an adult Tom Cruise!
It can't be overstated how well-made these gimmicks are. The envelope is waterproof and virtually tear-proof, so this will hold up for performance after performance. There are no sleights needed, and there is a near-instant reset, making this perfect for walkaround.
Looking for an effect that is as visually stunning as it is funny? Look no further!
Fast Forward is available at any Murphy's Magic dealer, or you can check out with our featured dealer, Magic Shop San Diego!