Photos: (Top) Range rider Daniel Anderson moving through a herd of cattle on his family’s ranch in Tom Miner Basin, Montana. LOUISE JOHNS (Middle) Pacers do much more than just keep their runners moving. Case in point: Lisa Jhung executes an all-important watermelon handoff to Amy Markovich at the Never Summer 100K. BRENDAN DAVIS (Middle) In the Kettle River Range of Northeastern Washington, some ranchers are killing wolves to protect livestock that graze on public lands. Daniel Curry, a lone range rider works year-round using nonlethal mitigation methods to help prevent wolves from looking at cows as a food source—and to prove that coexistence is possible. OLIVER SUTRO (Middle) The Mirror Wall offered very little opportunity for natural protection, like camming devices, nuts or pitons, so there were some massive runouts. Greenland. BEN DITTO (Bottom) This is your brain while shopping. Well, an overly simplified version created from excess Patagonia fabric. NAÍMA ALMEIDA