🚨 WIN £27,500 FOR £1.99 TONIGHT @10PM - OVER 60% STILL UNSOLD 🚨
Hey dsada
Don't worry, we haven't hired Martha from Baby Reindeer as our new marketing manager! You had probably forgot about that show - nine months ago it was all anyone could talk about and now it is forgotten in most of our minds...
One thing that you won't forget though is what you were doing at 10pm tonight Friday 7th February if you get that call form me to say "you have just won £27,500"... That's the sort of call that will stay with you for the rest of your life and if you want to be in with a chance of being on the receiving end of it all you have to do is get your entries on the link below and I could be calling you later tonight!:
🏆 Winners Over 12,000 winners so far folks, could you be next? Get involved to be in with a chance. Winners →
🎥 Live Draws Every draw live on Facebook. Tune in for the craic folks, if you miss it, videos are on our website. Facebook →
🙌 Thank You
Don’t forget folks we have lots of different competitions live on our website and will have something for everyone to have a go at! Or if you have any suggestions that you would like to see, give us a shout at info@rkingscompetitions.com
Once again we just want to say a massive thank you for your continued support!!
R Kings Competitions
Unit 2 Richbrook Industrial Estate, Bessbrook, BT35 7DT, Newry
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R Kings Competitions Unit B Mill Road Newry, BT35 7DT